Chameleons are one of the most fascinating creatures out there. Their eyes can change color independently, and even their skin can change colors.
But keeping them as pets requires special knowledge and very specific requirements.
If you are new to reptiles, you will need to do a lot of research and plan before you welcome a chameleon into your home.
Although they require a larger commitment and more time to care for, the rewards of having one of these reptiles make it worth the time and effort.
Understanding chameleon needs and requirements for cages, care, and life expectancy will give you a better understanding of the chameleon's possibilities as a pet.
There Should be Minimal Activity and Handling.
Although chameleons are fascinating creatures, they are not the most entertaining pets to take home. Chameleons might not be as captivating to children as a hamster scurrying on its wheel or a dog that wants to play fetch.
The most active time of day for these reptiles is from about dawn until dusk. This is good news for someone looking for a companion that will follow your daily routine. Do not expect a high level of activity though.
They are rather quiet creatures that spend most of their day lounging in comfortable spots. They only move when they need to feed, regulate temperature, or fill another specific need.
It won't matter what noise your chameleon cage makes during your work calls or distract you during your daily routine. It is also not necessary for you to provide them with lots of stimulation like some other pets do.
A chameleon lives in its cage most of the time, but they still appreciate some time free to roam in a safe space. Make sure you don't lose your color-changing friend in large rooms or areas with lots of hiding places.
You should also handle the chameleons as little as possible and with minimal restraint, as this can stress them out.
Nutritional Requirements
In contrast to pets that eat kibble from bowls, the chameleon has unique nutritional needs. During feeding time, these reptiles are seeking out gut-loaded insects.
The chameleon might not be the right pet for you if you are squeamish about delivering live insects or do not think you can commit to regular trips to the pet store for this special food source.
If you do not mind live feeding, dinner becomes showtime for you instead. Being able to catch prey with incredibly accurate precision while watching your chameleon catapult its long tongue is truly a sight to behold.
Technical Cage and Kit Requirements
For experienced reptile owners, chameleons make excellent pets. There are specific cage and care requirements for chameleons that novice owners should consider.
Whenever they require a change in body temperature, chameleons can do so by moving to warmer or cooler areas inside their enclosure. The cage should be large enough to accommodate temperature variances.
It also needs to be tall enough – given chameleons’ arboreal nature – and should have enough foliage to provide a sense of security.
Several cage setups can be used, but at least you should have a cage measuring at least 3 by 3 by 4-feet. A chameleon needs a spot a few feet from the heat source to bask in the sun's rays just as comparable reptiles do.
It is important to use a thermometer to measure the temperature above and below the cage and a hygrometer to measure humidity. You need to provide your cage with misting or drip systems since chameleons lick the water from their surroundings.
Compared to some other reptiles, chameleons require a specialized set-up and care. For first-time reptile owners, the costs of buying a chameleon-specific set-up may exceed expectations.
However, one good thing is that chameleons are very clean pets. They do not smell and their droppings have little smell. Those with sensitivities to pet odors can enjoy chameleons as pets.
Health Concerns and Life Expectancy
Before choosing a specific species of chameleon, evaluate what kind of commitment you are looking for, as their lifespans differ considerably.
Among the most popular pets, veiled chameleons live for five to seven years on average, Jackson's chameleons live for five to ten years, and Panther chameleons are only active for two or three years.
In addition, you should educate yourself on chameleon health concerns, including stomatitis and metabolic bone disease. You should also know how to identify and correct calcium deficiencies and vitamin A deficiencies.
Keeping a chameleon happy and healthy is the goal, but sometimes you may need to take your pet to a reptile or exotic animal vet. Even finding the nearest specialist vet could be worthwhile - if it is too far afield it could create practical issues.
If you want an exotic and unique pet, the chameleon may be the right choice. These make very good pets for those who don't want pets that smell or make noisy creatures, and they are especially appealing to novice and experienced reptile owners alike.
While the chameleon may be an enticing pet to own, it is important to do the necessary research before owning one. A very specific set of requirements and routine is necessary to care for these very amazing creatures. They require a significant time commitment and should be carefully considered.